APRV (acute pressure release ventilation, bi-vent, inverse ratio)
Agitated Brain Injured Patient- Treating
ARDSNet Ventilation Parameters Table
Arterial Line (a-line, aline) waveforms
Billing and Coding Cheat Sheet
Bispectral Index (BIS monitoring)
Blood Pressure (BP) goals- Neurology and Neurosurgery
Cancer Prognosis- Helpful Numbers.htm
Central Venous Pressure (CVP) waveforms
Cerebral Edema and Brain Compression- Billing and Coding
Cerebral Salt Wasting (vs SIADH)
Chronic kidney disease stages, CKD stages
CRRT - Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CVV, CVVHF, CVVHD, CVVHDF)
Diabetes- DKA, converting insulin gtt to subcutaneous
Diltiazem- converting from drip (gtt) to oral dose
Early Goal-Directed Therapy (EGDT)
End-tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO2)
FAST HUGS BID- ICU checklist of critical actions for critical patients
FeNa- Fractional Excretion of Sodium
Head Trauma- Guidelines for Imaging
Hemophilia and factor replacement
Hydrogen Peroxide for Bladder Blood Clot Evacuation
Intra-Aortic Baloon Pump (IABP) waveforms
Intracranial Pressure (ICP) waveforms
Malnutrition Coding (severity levels)
Osmolarity (serum) goal for hyperosmolar therapy for cerebral edema
Pacemaker-ID by Brian Weinreich
Pleural Fluid- transudate or exudate
RCIN (Radiocontrast-induced Nephropathy) Prophylaxis
Suture Handout (Alex's cheat sheet) doc pdf
Sodium goal for hyperosmolar therapy for cerebral edema
Toxicology / Overdoses
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) waveforms
Transradial band (TR band) Removal
Trauma Page (page to help organize trauma admissions) doc pdf
In the days before PDA's, I carried certain "high yield" information on index cards. This document was
formatted in Word 2000 to print on 3"x5" index cards (Avery Laser Index Cards #5388).
They contain information on: