APRV (acute pressure release ventilation, bi-vent, inverse ratio)


Agitated Brain Injured Patient- Treating

Antibiotic Duration


Anti-epileptic loading doses

ARDSNet Paper

ARDSNet Ventilation Parameters Table

Arterial Line (a-line, aline) waveforms

Arthrocentesis Tests


Billing and Coding Cheat Sheet

Bispectral Index (BIS monitoring)

Blood and blood products

Blood Pressure (BP) goals- Neurology and Neurosurgery

Cancer Prognosis- Helpful Numbers.htm


Central Lines

Central Venous Pressure (CVP) waveforms

Cerebral Edema and Brain Compression- Billing and Coding

Cerebral Salt Wasting (vs SIADH)

Chronic kidney disease stages, CKD stages

Conscious Sedation

CRRT - Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CVV, CVVHF, CVVHD, CVVHDF)

Cushing's Disease/Syndrome

Delirium Essay       html       docx       pdf      

Delirium Medications

Diabetes- DKA, converting insulin gtt to subcutaneous

Diltiazem- converting from drip (gtt) to oral dose


Early Goal-Directed Therapy (EGDT)



End-tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO2)


FAST HUGS BID- ICU checklist of critical actions for critical patients

FeNa- Fractional Excretion of Sodium

Head Trauma- Guidelines for Imaging

Hemophilia and factor replacement

Hydrogen Peroxide for Bladder Blood Clot Evacuation


Immunoglobulin IV (IV IG)

Intra-Aortic Baloon Pump (IABP) waveforms

Intracranial Pressure (ICP) waveforms

Kidney Disease Stages

Lung toxic medications

Malnutrition Coding (severity levels)

Mannitol targets


Meningitis Antibiotics

Meningitis Prophylaxis

Mobility Levels

Moderate Sedation

Osmolarity (serum) goal for hyperosmolar therapy for cerebral edema

Pacemaker-ID by Brian Weinreich

Paracentesis Tests

Percutaneous Tracheostomy

Pituitary (Endocrine) Tests

Pleural Fluid- transudate or exudate

Pneumonia ABX Decision Tree


Post-operative fever

RCIN (Radiocontrast-induced Nephropathy) Prophylaxis

Renal Disease Stages

Sedation Scales


Meduri Steroid Protocol


Suboxone equivalents

Suture Handout (Alex's cheat sheet)          doc      pdf

Sexual Assault Prophylaxis

Sodium goal for hyperosmolar therapy for cerebral edema

Therapeutic Hypothermia

Thoracentesis Tests

Toxicology / Overdoses

Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)

Transcranial Doppler (TCD) waveforms

Transradial band (TR band) Removal

Trauma Page (page to help organize trauma admissions)          doc      pdf


Ventilator- Waveform Analysis

Wellen's Syndrome


In the days before PDA's, I carried certain "high yield" information on index cards.  This document was formatted in Word 2000 to print on 3"x5" index cards (Avery Laser Index Cards #5388).
They contain information on:

Clinical Practice Index Cards          doc      pdf